Senior woman with husband cooking in kitchen

Classes for both Diabetes Prevention and Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a complex condition that requires daily self-management including making healthy food choices, taking medication as prescribed, monitoring your blood sugar, and staying physically active.


What Diabetes symptoms you can expect depends on which type of Diabetes you have. There are two main types of Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes are often similar, but they present in very different ways. For instance, many people with Type 2 Diabetes might not exhibit any of the typical Diabetes symptoms for many years, and their symptoms can also develop slowly.

As mentioned, Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are the two primary types of Diabetes, and, depending on which you have, the Diabetes treatment plan might look a bit different. If you think you are experiencing early symptoms of Diabetes, it’s important to visit your primary care provider for an official diagnosis to determine the best course of action for you.

Just like most conditions, being aware of early symptoms of Diabetes can help set you up for a successful Diabetes management path. A glucose blood test is typically performed to screen for Diabetes by measuring the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood to see if it is aligned with Diabetes glucose levels. The American Diabetes Association notes that normal A1C levels are generally below 5.7% for people who are not living with Diabetes. With early and regular Diabetes treatment, you can reduce your A1C levels from 6.5% or higher, which is widely known as Diabetes range.

A certified diabetes educator can help your patient learn how to take care of themselves and guide them through your treatment.  They will help your patient make health decisions and help them manage any problems that they encounter along the way.  The certified diabetes educators at Sorogi offer individual and group classes to help your patient manage their diabetes.

Diabetes Education

Diabetes education is a recognized part of your patient’s diabetes care and is covered by Medicare and most health insurance plans when offered through an accredited diabetes education program. 

The benefits of diabetes education include:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Being Active
  • Medication Adherence
  • Monitoring/Testing
  • Problem Solving
  • Risk Reduction
  • Healthy Coping

Sorogi offers accredited diabetes education classes that meet the vigorous criteria set by the United States Health and Human services.

Our Classes

Our evidence-based, patient-driven programs are led by Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, Dietitians, Lifestyle coaches, and pharmacists.  Our T2 Diabetes Education Class is accredited by the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators).

Our educators journey with your patient and develop individual action plans and provide continued support and education throughout our classes.

Attention DC Physicians and Insurers:  If you wish to enroll your patient in our Diabetes Prevention Program or T2 Diabetes Education Classes at no cost, Call 202.594.9994 

Join A Class Today!

Heart-shaped bowl with apples, orange, tomatoes and broccoli image


Diabetes Self-Management Education Classes are led by a Certified Diabetes Educator and meet on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 7pm EDT.  All classes are currently held virtually via Go To Meeting.
To Enroll 
Click or call 202.594.9994

blood pressure measurement equip


If you are living with Diabetes, continuous glucose monitoring through an official glucose monitor can assist you in achieving more normal glucose levels over a period of time. Enroll today.

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Designed for individuals who are newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and those who are struggling to manage their condition.  The service is tailed to address individual needs. Get Started


Our Diabetes Prevention (DPP) program is designed to prevent or delay Type 2 Diabetes.  Twenty-six small group sessions are facilitated by a Sorogi lifestyle coach who leads discussions on lifestyle changes that can alter behavior and result in improved health.

Diabetes Prevention Program Activities:  Personal goal setting, Exercise program, Nutrition program, and Peer support groups.  Some topics include: Eating healthy without giving up foods you love, Adding physical activity even if your patient doesn't think they have time, Dealing with stress, and Staying motivated. To learn more about our DPP program, click here.

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